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Configuring Collections is more complex than navigating Collections. Meaning the Collections configuration interface is more complex.

Only visible to certain people at certain times

The configuration interface is only visible to people who are able to edit collections.

See the Configure section for more.

The configuration interface stretches across the whole modules page. The following summary and visual provides an overview. See other tabs for more detail (click on the figure to see a bigger version).

Element Description
Collections element

A small element always present whenever Collections is installed and the modules page is being viewed by someone who can edit Collections.

The Collections element provides an indication of the current state of Collections and provides access to the collections configuration element.

Collections module configuration

Every module will have its own Collections module configuration element. It is used to add and modify data about the module that will be used by Collections.

These can be expanded and collapsed as required.

Overview of the Collections configuration interface across the entire modules page

If Collections is installed and you are able to edit Collections, you will always see the Collections element at the top off the modules page. To the left of the Student View button. The Collections element provides an indication of the current state of Collections and provides access to the collections configuration element. The following figured represent some of the different states of the Collections element.

Collections has never been turned on for the course.
Collection is turned on and "published" (students can see the Collections navigation interface)
Collections is turned on, but the visibility is set to no-one (the red unpublished icon).
Collections is on, visibility is no-one, and the Collections configuration page is unpublished

Collections is turned on, visible to all, and is in edit mode

The collections configuration element is how you configure collections and perform other course level tasks. It has a number of sub-components summarised in the following table, illustrated below, and explained in more detail elsewhere.

It is accessed by clicking on the arrow icon in the Collections element with Edit on. It drops down over the top of the modules page.

Sub-component Description
Title & version

Are you using the latest version of Collections?


Allows visibility - who can see the Collections navigation interface - to be set to one of four values

Existing Collections

A list of all the current collections configurated for the course. Allowing you to modify them, delete them, change the order etc.

Add a new collection

Choose a name and a representation and add another collection to the course.

Full "Claytons"

When configured, generate a static version of the Collections navigation interface

The collections configuration element

With Edit on, each Canvas module will have its own Collections module configuration element, which include the following sub-components.

Sub-component Description
Collapsible header

The entire configuration element is collapsible. Click on the header to collapse or expand the element.

Configuration tabs

There are currently four tabs. Each tab contains a different configuration area.

Configuration areas

Four including:

  1. General - descriptions, labels, and other common data.
  2. Dates - specify a date or date range.
  3. Banner - configure the banner (image, iframe, or background colour) for cards.
  4. Metadata - additional ad hoc meta data used by some representations.

One Collection's module configuration element