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See also: teaching, teaching-digital-technologies

Source: KSU explanation

A learning progression suggested as a good example for lesson design.

Stage Description
Use Students are introduced to an exemplar program similar to their ultimate task and learn how to use it effectively
Modify Students modify the program to perform a different/but similar task
Create Students create a program from scratch to perform a related task


A related idea designed specifically for Scratch. Both in terms of relying on the Scratch project page for code that students will explore and terminology/concepts from Scratch.

Students start on the Scratch project page and find a project that interests them

  • TIPP

    1. **T**itle - what is the title of the project? Does it tell you something about the project?
    2. **I**nstructions - What do the instructions tell you to do?
    3. **P**urpose - What is the purpose of this activity? What will this code teach you?
    4. **P**lay - Run the project and see what it does! Which sprites are doing the actions?
  • SEE

    1. **S**prites - Click on the sprite that you want to learn from or change.
    2. **E**vents - look at the event blocks starting the scripts. Which scripts are most useful?
    3. **E**xplore - Try different changes to the scripts and observe what happens