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Javascript rest api client

See also: web-development

Figuring out good methods - and choosing one to use in canvas-collections - for making REST API requests from a web application.

Possible resources

Exploration 1 - API Client patterns (with Axios)#

Couldn't use dummyapi so trying with jsonplaceholder. To work through this tutorial

Moved to use MockAPI as it provides more configuration options

Pure asynchronous call#

Making a single call to the API

Two versions

  1. A straight call from the tutorial

    • Returns almost straight away and continues with operation
    • Using async/await

    • Works basically the same, but much cleaner


Need to make several different calls in a sequence or parallel

The model here is to use the await keyword and just implement them sequentially

The default implementation is simply a sequence of await calls. Any of which may fail raising issues of how to deal with progressive failure/progress.

Exploration 2 - Moving to using Vue userscript dev#

In design-of-vue-lj-casa-1 stumbled across the "vite-plugin-monkey" project that generates vite projects for userscripts. A version is working with Canvas. Going to explore the use of that for developing/testing the REST API client. Idea being that Canvas is the immediate play ground.

Vite-plugin-monkey doing simple Canvas REST API calls#

Plan is to emulate some of the standard Canvas REST API calls used by canvas-collections as a first step to implementing vue-canvas-learning-journal

  • What's a simple Canvas REST API call? requestCourseObject
    • BASE_URL/api/v1/courses/:course_id
  • Implement it

Done. The pattern used was

  • Update the main.ts of the vite-plugin-monkey project to include the REST API call
  • After grabing the course ID and csrfToken use an async function and promise
requestCourseObject(courseId, csrfToken).then((data) => {
  console.log(`Course Data: ${data}`);

The function itself uses await on both the fetch and response


  • Is the CSRF token needed? - no
  • Can't update the Vue component from the main.ts as the component is not in the same scope. Need to call from within the Vue component
  • orchestration - the need to handle multiple sequential calls
  • passing objects (reactively) between components
  • using GraphQL to get Canvas data

Test integration with Vue components#

Two methods available - both work within library files used from within the component

  1. Use an async function

    The component has to use a .then to handle the promise and update the reactive variable. Also allows/requires the component to handle any errors. It does make what's happening more visible in the component.

  2. Use a normal function, but pass in the reactive variable

    Creates an illusion of a synchronous call, but the function's internals operates asynchronously with promises internal. But these aren't functions.

Currently learning toward using the async function approach


The need to make numerous calls in sequence. The sample userscript is now doing this.

The API client patterns work

Passing objects reactively#

Issue here is that the parent component gets the Canvas data, but which child components will make use of. That use needs to be able to reactively change. Child -> Parent -> Child.


  • How to have changes made in child auto update the parent?

    • One approach is to use v-model on a component but that has specific constraints. The child must bind the value attribute of a native input element to the prop and use @input to emit
    • How changes made in parent can be passed and used in the child?

    e.g. Canvas API data retrieved in parent and passed to child. But parent eventually changes that content when the API returns, which needs to modify any copies of the data.

From vue-components-props the idea is to create a global singleton. For Canvas work that might be

  • CanvasCourse object
  • Plus specific objects for each major focus e.g. Group Set, Group, Modules etc. Perhaps matching the Canvas API endpoints

Method used#

Singleton created in a separate file.

let canvasCourse: canvasAPICourse = reactive(new canvasAPICourse());

export default function getCanvasCourse(): any {
    if ( === -1) {
    return canvasCourse;

Included into any component that needs it.

import getCanvasCourse from '../lib/canvasAPICourse';
const canvasCourse = getCanvasCourse();

and then used reactively in the template

 <p>Name: {{ }} </p>

    <li> Change course name: <input v-model="" /> </li>
    <li> course code: <input v-model="canvasCourse.courseObject.course_code" /> </li>

Using GraphQL to get Canvas data#

Starting with graphql-basics - done

Refining and testing singeltons#

  • Multiple pages same browser
  • Check online for approaches (static?)