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Learning Webpack#

Finally grok Webpack. ~/code/2021/webpack

Testing process#

Need to test by included in Blackboard

Set up processes#

npm set up#

  • npm init -y - create initial default
  • npm i -D webpack webpack-cli - basic webpack
  • npm i -D style-loader css-loader - add CSS to asset management
  • npm i -D html-webpack-plugin - for output management
  • npm i -D webpack-dev-server - development server
  • npm i -D webpack-merge - handle separate production/dev configs

  • npm start - run the dev server

  • npm run build - build the bundle

Basic development ideas#

  • Using multiple "entry points" for each component?, but not in a SPA?


Getting Started#

webpack getting started page

Initial demo#


Major topics covered - Why using Webpack - Allowing webpack to manage Javascript libraries, rather than include in html - src is just a index.js file (in src) - output is put into dist which can then be loaded i.e. production - webpack transpiles the import statements, but nothing else

Initial setup - Just installing webpack and webpack-cli - setting "private": true, in package.json - running with npx webpack

Using a configuration - adding npm commands scripts to work nicer, less typing (package.json)

Asset management#

Essentially, treat other resources (e.g. images) like Javascript as part of Webpack depdendency management

  • Talks about using css-loader and style-loader
  • Other options to minimise css - postcss, sass
  • Webpack 5 introduced Asset Modules to handle images, fonts and just about anything else that can sit in src

Loading data - JSON, CSV, TSV, XML etc. - JSON support built in with npm - csv-loader and xml-loader are possible - There are parsers for toml, yaml etc to convert to json

Output management#

  • HtmlWebPackPlugin does some funky stuff with output management
  • Will write it's own HTML file


  • add mode: 'development'
  • source maps - mapping compiled code back to original

Choosing a development tool

Code splitting#

Sort of what entry points has been doing. Also Prevent Duplication and Dynamic Imports

But maybe not. Also issues of sharing modules (e.g. lodash) across multiples

Bundle analysis#

Variosu tools to do this: analyze, webpack-chart, webpack-visualizer...bundle-stats


Suggested to use separate configs for production and development. But webpack-merge used to

  • Node environment variables mean we can check if we're in production/dev