Australian Curriculum#
See also: teaching, other-oz-curriculum-code-projects
For much of my teaching I'll be using version 9 of the Australian Curriculum which I've added here under v9-learning-areas
Initial summary#
Three dimensions
Learning areas;
In turn includes:
- achievement standards - textual descriptions of what students should achieve
- strands - collections of content descriptions, which have a purpose
- content descriptions
identified by a code, textual description, including glossary for terms
- Elaborations - suggestions of how to teach the content with connection to general capabilities and x-c priorities
- Related content
General capabilities;
- literacy
- Digital literacy
- critical and creative thinking
- ethical understanding
- personal and social capability
intercultural understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia
- Sustainability
Version 9 changes#
Digital literacy#
ICT changed to digital literacy because
- fundamental aspect of literacy, extension of reading, writing, speaking
- "students need to develop knowledge, values, communication and critical thinking relevant for the digital age"
- ICT focused on how to use digital tools - digital literacy extends to why and when
- BUT still focuses on "use" - without really defining what that is, or what "digital tools" are
Linkages with digital technologies subject from the technologies learning area
Grouped into three areas and numerous sub-areas
Number sense and algebra
Number and place value
- Counting processes
- Additive strategies
- Multiplicative strategies
- Interpreting fractions
- Proportional thinking
- Number patterns and algebraic thinking
Understanding money
Measurement and geometry
Understanding units of measurment
- Understanding geometric properties
- Positioning and locating
Measuring time
Statistics and probability
Understanding change
- Interpreting and representing data
Speaking and listening
- Interacting
Reading and viewing
Phonological awareness
- Phonic knowledge and word recognition
- Fluency
Understanding texts
Creating texts
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Spelling
- Handwriting and keyboarding