Blog posts#
I'm no longer writing posts for my blog directly in Wordpress. Instead, the are being written using Foam which is used to maintain this site. Doing this unifies my writing process into one tool (Visual Studio Code), avoids the schmozzle that is Wordpress editing, and lets me leverage the VSCode/Foam ecosystem of tools and practices.
This ecosystem of tools brings many good things. For example, content is available in a form that is very interoperable enabling interesting manipulation. That content is stored on GitHub i.e. in a git repository, which provides a high level of control. Enables me to write blog posts on numerous computers and devices. Provide the ability to link my blog posts to the ideas and concepts stored here.
Maybe this will enable me to complete more of the posts I start.
Work in progress#
- why-out-dated
- where is the digital technology
- canvas-collections-detail
- the-need-for-rpa-in-learning-teaching
- ignoring-the-entangled-nature-of-education
- constrained-purpose-educational-technology
- conceptualising-teaching-activity
- the-importance-of-orchestration-to-quality-learning-and-teaching
- needs-for-learning-design-systems
- integrating-zotero-into-memex - Documenting exploration and plans for integrating Zotero into my PKM with memex
Attempt to use "theory" to analyse the nature and limitations of the assistance provided to university teaching staff as they engage in online teaching
Documents a new idea about how the HAX editor can be integrated with Blackboard content items
Reflective piece trying to pull out the implications of the HAX, the NGDLE and system integration
- digital-education-conservation-complexity
- learning-design-conservation_complexity -
- twitter-memex-wordpress
- peak-homogenisation-in-post-digital-education
- orchestrating-entangled-relations
- on-formal-qualifications-and-improving-learning-and-teaching
- exploring-drons-definition-of-educational-technology
- what-are-the-symbols-in-digitial-education
- growth-of-the-card-interface
- do-little-things-matter
Connecting memex with my blog and inserting content from wikity
Documents initial combination of web components and Blackboard.
Showing and thinking about the ability of Foam to manipulate my "memex" and enable new activities/learning
[where is the digital technology]: <2022/where is the digital technology> "where is the digital technology"