Collection of resources, ideas etc around secondary teaching.
Broader issues#
Learning, teaching - society's view(s)
L&T ideas specific to disciplines
Professional development
Specific PD events and reflections
Conceptualising educational design#
Structure inspired by goodyear-patterns-design-practice description of the educational design problem space, mostly with some additions.
Philosopy (declarative)
How people learn? How people should be treated? What is knowledge?
Pedagogy (conceptual)
Conceptual framing of philosophies into pedagogical approaches
mind-tools | ungrading | assessment-of-process | pygmalion-effect |
Pedagogy (strategy)
Broad descriptions of how to implement pedagogical approaches teaching-implementation
Broad practice
- classroom-management
- differentiation
- behaviour-management
- curriculum-ergonomics
- data-informed-teaching
- Supporting mathematical reasoning in the middle years - good starter/number talk/diagnostic ideas
- Scaffolding numeracy in the middle years
Oz education
Pedagogy (tactics)
Specific ideas for implementing pedagogical approaches
Digital learning tools#
- Sugar Labs - FOSS learning platform with activity focus and a collection of available activities
- Offers some international/collaborative projects (Dollar Activity) in turn based on a CapMinder project
- Practical Ed Tech