Contextually Appropriate Scaffolding Assemblages (CASA)#
See also: bricolage, affordances
See bad_set-casa-gather-weave for an attempt to bring together the BAD/SET, CASA, and Gather/Weave mini-theories.
Collections of technologies and practices that transform digital learning and teaching technologies. Developed in opposition to the generic, hard technologies currently littering higher education. As the acronym suggests, CASA are designed to be
- **C**ontextually-**A**ppropriate - specific to a particular learning activity and its context, aims, learners, teachers, etc.
- **S**caffolding - actively seek to support/enable learners and teachers in the tasks they need to complete as part of the activity.
**A**ssemblages - designed so that learners and teachers are more easily able to intermingle the CASA into their personal collection of knowledge, tools, and ways of working.
casa-design-principles - original design principles for CASA design
Example CASA#
From others#
- canvas-learning-journal this is the Python version
- vue-canvas-learning-journal
- canvas-collections
- word-to-canvas
- mathematics-in-canvas
- exploring-australian-curriculum
- mathematical-examples-generator
- developing-crackers
- number-scrabble-web
- random-group-allocator
Jones, D., Lawson, C., Beer, C., & Jones, H. (2018). Context-Appropriate Scaffolding Assemblages: A generative learning analytics platform for end-user development and participatory design. In A. Pardo, K. Bartimote, G. Lynch, S. Buckingham Shum, R. Ferguson, A. Merceron, & X. Ochoa (Eds.), Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Society for Learning Analytics Research.
Jones, D. (2019). Exploring knowledge reuse in design for digital learning: Tweaks, H5P, CASA and constructive templates. In Y. W. Chew, K. M. Chan, & A. Alphonso (Eds.), Personalised Learning. Diverse Goals. One Heart. ASCILITE 2019 (pp. 139–148).