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Questioning for retrieval#

Questioning for retrieval: five mistakes to avoid#


  1. Cold call
  2. Wait 3 seconds
  3. Ask a specific student
  4. Correct wrong answers
  5. Offer a hint if needed


  1. Asking for hands up

    Confident students tend to answer. Warning class that teacher will choose encourages all students to be thinking about the answer. 2. Mostly asking the boys 3. Bouncing the question to another student (too early) 4. Don't round up a wrong answer to a right one 5. Talking too much

Powerful questions to develop a deep level of understanding#

  • How do you see that idea?
  • Why does that answer make sense?
  • Why does that method work?
  • How is that method connected to others?
  • How can that idea be represented in different ways?
  • Can you prove it?
  • Can you prove it visually?
  • Can you justify your thinking?
  • Can you predict what would happen if....?
  • Did you make any interesting mistakes?