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Pathway planner#

Docs for the development of the pathway-planner component.

pathway-planner 1. Choose major/minor 1. select-major-minor 2. Courses Done 1. select-major-minor 2. credit-point-progress 3. program-structure 1. List of course-progress 3. Courses to do 1. select-major-minor 2. credit-point-progress 3. program-paths

Data structures#

Required data structures - Years, Majors and Minors - Program structure for each major/minor/year - Including course categories - Course code, names, credit point, labels and offerings


Simple object-based "database-like" retrieval.

Some early planning - select major - majors({year:default_year}) .. major to populate list of majors - majors({year:default_year,major:selected_major}) ... minor to get minor - "credit points" - would select from program structure (in memory) those completed courses and count credit points/counts - taffDb has a method .store() which writes to localStorage - program structure - Originally loaded from Javascript without user fields (or perhaps these are programmaticlly added the first time up -) - can add new fields as we go


  1. Source Data
  2. Get it checked
  3. Put it in code


Could be a collection of three arrays. Year 1, 2, and 3. Each array containing objects representing a course.

Current status/plans#

Implement pathway-planner custom element to encapsulate app#

Use a router between the different states, including local storage

Look for other components for elements#

Use generic HTML and CSS for styling.#

how to

To do#

  • Create repo - code/griffith/2020/pathway-planner
  • Implement hard wired initial version


Interface decisions and information#

Material Components Web (mdc) - help developers implement Material design.

Material Design Web Components (mwc) - are a wrapper around MDC to create custom elements (web components)

  • install component via npm
  • import into web component (all css applied)

Implement look and feel within shadow development#

Web components often use the shadow DOM (by default?). Meaning it's hidden away. External CSS doesn't impact it?


Reactive property changes use properties and immutable approaches - create new arrays etc

setting property syntax