Unbundled web components#
- Can the magic script be used in a Blackboard page - YES
- How to integrate this into authoring in Bb?
- Bryan's wordpress hack?
- Content/Card Interface?
PSU Context#
HAXTheWeb aims to provide **H**eadless **A**uthoring e**X**perience. i.e. WYSIWYG editor built out of web componets. But HAX principles aim to make the web components able to stand without HAX.
Bundling versus unbundling#
Outlines pros & cons of REACT type dev compares this worldview with that of A future without Webpack
Adopting the latter, unbundling approach
The Magic Script#
The magic script does the work to allow
- ingesting of web components into any application
- eliminate bundling
- resolve platform capabilities on the front end
- only serve polyfills to those that need them
Bryan Ollendyke, Unbundled web components part 1: Context of WCs @ PSU -- and the rest of the 7 part series