Digital Renovator#
See also: computing, nodt, bricolage, teaching-digital-technologies
A digital renovator (perhaps aka digital-weaver) doesn't just accept the digital environment provided to them. Instead a digital renovator will make modifications so that the digital environment better suits their purpose. This is becoming easier and easier as the nature of the technologies better support this (but still perhaps not widespread).
Encouraging more people to engage in digital renovation is step toward emerging from the current-digital-dark-age
A 2011 blog post was reflecting on White's principle of Visitors and Residents. Taking in ideas of digital technology being inherently protean, the digital computer as a meta-medium, and Ruskoff's take that "programming is a basic literacy". Then suggesting there is a need for a third category of Builders. Someone able to shape their digital world.
Peter Albion suggested the idea of renovator/handyman/DIY enthusiast as a better fit.