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Cats claw creeper

See also: plants



  • 2-7cm long and 1-3cm wide
  • oval oblong with a pointed tip
  • usually in groups of two leaflets (opposite)
  • vigorous root and tuber system

Seeds are winged (2 papery wings), 2-4cm long and contained in seedpods 15-45cm long.

Flowers in spring & summer


Difficult, multiple methods more successful.

For large plants

  • Cut the climbing stems at about 1-2m above ground leaving the aerial parts to die.
  • Re-cut all stems as close to the ground as possible.
  • Cut and scrape the stumps of thicker stems.
  • APply herbicide to the scraped surface within 15 seconds

Do not pull climbing stems out of the canopy to avoid damaging desirable plants. Physically cut all stems, perhaps spraying with round-up. Check and treat for at least 5 years. Dig out tubers as much as possible. Larger, older tuber mass removal may not be suitable due to soil disturbance.

Remove tubers from site.

Spray new growth.


Sapling with simple leaves

Sapling (Cats Claw) with simple leaves

Large yellow flowers

Large yellow flowers

Three-pronged tendrils

Three-pronged tendrils

Mature fruit

Mature fruit


Initial introduction when working with the Friends of Redwood Park where it is one of the major weeds.

Subsequent identification of some evidence on wood-duck-meadows.
