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The Island

See also: wood-duck-meadows

The Island is a man made island crafted by the property's dam and the earthworks that direct run-off into the dam. It is at least 500 square metres.

A previous owner had spent had placed irrigation on the island and planted numerous plants including: a Bunya pine; Maruritius-hemp; bamboo, and, a Paperbark tree amongst other things. However, for sometime the island had been ignored and suffered during drought seasons. The bamboo and paperbark have died. With climbing asparagus having taken over most of the island and making it all but impassable.

Current status

We're embarking on a regeneration project for the island. Initial clearing of the climbing asparagus and Mauritius hemp has been completed.

The island

The island

Design ideation#

Early thoughts include:

  • A focus on native plants creating a habitat for local wildlife.
  • Increased blocking of the neighbours and the highway.
  • Providing a space for sitting to look back at the house.
  • Creating a dry-rainforest like setting in the middle of the island for shade and the ecosystem benefits.

Clearing weeds and unwanted vegetation#

Climbing asparagus#

The first step was getting rid of the climbing asparagus and other unwanted plants. Mostly done by hand.

Following image shows progress from an early stage where some bamboo and Asparagus fern had been removed. Though with large amounts still visible climbing up the trees and just about anything else. In the how it's going image the house and the Mauritius hemp are now visible.

A comparison of clearing on the island. The "how it started" image shows a small number of trees largely overtaken by asparagus fern. With only a the odd trunk and branch visible. The "how it's going" image shows the same trees (and Mauritius hemp) now almost entirely visible. The house is also visible.
Early clearing progress

Mauritius hemp#

After removing the climbing asparagus, it was time for the Mauritius hemp to go.

The third photo of clearing "the island" illustrating the reduction (but not complete removal) of the Mauritius hemp.
Removing the Mauritius hemp

Madeira vine#

With the above it became evident the island had become home to numerous Madeira vine tuberlings. Recommended control measures suggest that physical control may be appropriate. Digging out the tubers and freezing/microwaving them to prevent reshooting.


Date Activity
2024-12-21 Finally cut down the last dead tree and cut down some shoulder high grass