Concrete, Representation (Pictorial), Abstract (CRA)

See also: teaching-mathematics, enactive-mathematics-pedagogy

Three-part instructional framework based on Bruner's theory of representation.

CRA Bruner Classroom
Concrete Enactive representation (action-based) Use tangible objects to solve a math problem
Representation Iconic representation (image-based) Using images etc to solve a math problem
Abstract Symbolic representation (language-based) Using only numbers & symbols

Modelling the concept and providing opportunities to practice is seen as key.

Implementation suggestions include

  • 1 lesson for each CRA phase with a final lesson bringing it together
  • Four stations around a room with rotation - which seems to break the Bruner sequence, but the point is that it doesn't need to be sequential.
  • All in one lesson

Role of the teacher is to make the connections between mathematical concept and the different representations explicit.