Teaching Mathematics
See also: teaching, teacher-preparation, teaching-professional-development
Collection of misc. resources for teaching mathematics. Eventually informing an ever-evolving concrete set of ideas and processes underpinning my-approach-to-teaching-mathematics
Mathematics and mathematics education in broader society.
- teaching-mathematics-symptoms - reports of what's wrong with the teaching of mathematics
- when-will-i-ever-use-mathematics
- pi-day
Societal examples of mathematics#
Notes related to the discipline of mathematics.
- what-is-mathematics
- what-do-mathematicians-do
- understanding-mathematics
- what-do-mathematicians-do
- mathematical-topics
- mathematical-structure
- big-ideas-in-mathematics
- mathematics-conceptual-knowledge-for-teaching
- AMSI TIMES modules - Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute's "the improving mathematics education in schools" (TIMES) modules
Abstract perspectives on mathematics and mathematics education.
- real-work-versus-real-world
- Theory of Didactical Situations - Brousseau, B.: Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics. Kluwer A. P., Dordrecht (2002)
Realistic Mathematical Education
Freudenthal, H.: Mathematics as an Educational Task. Reidel, Dordrecht (1973) 19. Freudenthal, H.: Revisiting Mathematics Education: China Lectures. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1991)
Pedagogy (conceptual)#
More specific ways of conceptualising teaching and learning mathematics.
- Two types of mathematics teaching - instrumental and relational
- mathematical-mindset
- math-facts
- reading-and-writing-the-world-with-mathematics
- mathematical-misconceptions and difficulties
- effective-pedagogy-in-mathematics
- building-a-thinking-classroom
- IMPACT - Inquiry Maths Pedagogy in Action - UQ community providing access to resources for teaching and learning mathematics through guided inquiry. Research basis
- TIRED - disengaged students perceptions of mathematics classrooms
- ALIVE - a way of teaching that helps create a mathematical-resilience-classroom-environment
- mathematics-at-home
Pedagogy (strategy)#
Specific methods (& resources) for teaching mathematics.
Professional Development#
- maths-in-schools - Uni Adelaide developed MOOC
Approaches to teaching mathematics - mindmap#
Generated from AI Mind Map Generator
Boaler, J. (2015). Creating Mathematical Mindsets: The Importance of Flexibility with Numbers. In Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching (pp. 33--56). John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. annotations-boaler-2015