How to Develop Web Components#
Outlines how and what I used to learn how to develop unbundled-web-components as a method for implementing casa.
Bryan's recommendations#
A summary of Bryan's recommendations from this comment is
- Learn more about developing web components
- LitElement,and Provides a base class for creating web components
- OpenWC Recommendations for tooling.
- Roll out an institutional CDM/magic script - inspired by Bryan's unbundled work
To do#
- Are there alternatives to LitElement and OpenWC
- Create a simple component with LitElement - my-first-litelement-web-component
- Develop Trimester Date as web component
- Integrate University Date with the Content Interface
- Integrate University Date with the Card Interface
- Integrate University Date with the any Blackboard (web) page
LitElement a "simple base class for creating fast, lightweight web components".