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Dates tab - module configuration element


The dates tab is one of four tabs that form the module configuration area. It provides the interface to configure various date related properties to define a single date (just the start date) or a date range (from start date to stop date) for each module. Different

The "dates tab" of the module configuration area

The "dates" tab" of the module configuration area


As shown above the dates tab consists of four main components summarised in the following table.

Components Description
Date label A text label that will be added before the date (range). e.g. "Starts" or "Due".
Start Date A collection of properties that can be used to specify a date or the start of a date range.
Stop Date A collection of properties that can be used to specify the end of a date range.
Date output A human readable description of the current date. Using the date representation from the GriffithCards representation.

Date label

The date label is intended as a short text label that will normally precede the rest of the date. For example, the image above is using Commencing as the date label.

No HTML in the date label

HTML tags included in the date label will appears as text. Will note change the appearance.

Start and stop date

The Start and Stop dates are used to define the time and date components. There are three common combinations of start and stop dates:

  1. Neither start nor stop dates defined - no date appears in any representation.
  2. Just the start date is defined - a single date appears.
  3. Both start and stop dates defined - a date range appears.

The date/time properties available for both start and stop dates are summarised in the following table. Only two of these properties can be selected by you.

Property Description
Select date Used to select which calendar date applies for this date
Select Time (optionally) select the time of date for the date
Day Automatically calculated based on the selected calendar date. Provided to enable inclusion in the date output
Date Automatically calculated based on the selected calendar date. Provided to enable inclusion in the date output
Month Automatically calculated based on the selected calendar date. Provided to enable inclusion in the date output


For a selected date, each of the following components can be hidden by turning off the related visibility checkbox.

Property Description
Time Whether or not the time is shown
Day Whether the day of the week for the chosen date is shown
Date Whether the numeric date of the month for the chosen date is shown
Month Whether the abbreviated month name for the chosen date is shown

Date output

The final component of the dates tab is the date output. It provides a representation of the module's configured date/time (range) using the GriffithCards date representation. Provided to give immediate feedback on the current date configuration.


What visitors to a course site see in terms of dates depends on a combination of:

  1. how they data properties have been configured; and
  2. what representation is being used.

For example, the following two figures demonstrate the appearance of the date configuration in the figure at the top of this page using the two most common representations.

GriffithCards representation

The GriffithCards representation uses a very "card" specific representation of dates. But one that is broadly task independent.

GriffithCards representation of a start date

GriffithCards representation of a start date

AssessmentTable representation

The AssessmentTable representation is designed for a more specific and less visual purpose.

AssessmentTable representation of the same start date

AssessmentTable representation of the same start date


The following animated image shows how to use the date tab and the different ways dates can be displayed.

Animated demonstration of changing dates