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Staff view of Canvas Collections

The teacher/designer experience of Collections depends on the type of Collections (i.e. Live or Claytons) and the mode when using live Collections (i.e. navigate or edit).

Claytons Collections is static HTML representation of Collections saved to a Canvas page. The teacher/designer experience is the same as any other page. They can view, modify, and delete it.

The image and table below provide an example and description of the Claytons Collections view for teachers/designers. The elements listed here are also visible in Live Collections and are explained in more detail the "Live Collections - navigate mode" tab. In Claytons, however, the elements are implemented using the limited HTML and CSS allowed by the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE).

Interface Element Description
Navigation Bar Shows a list of all collections and allows navigation back and forth between collections.
Include page (optional)

Each collection and have a single Include page. i.e. a Canvas page, the content of which will be inserted before or after the Current collection's representation.

Note: Only the current collection's include page is shown.

Current collection's representation

Each collection chooses from one of the available representations. Representations are designed to provide a bespoke visualisation of the Canvas modules allocated to the current collection.

Largely the same as the student experience navigating live Collections, but with slightly more permissions. The image is one representation of the teacher/designer experience of navigating live Collections. The labels are used in the table to describe the interface elements in more detail.

For more on navigating Collections

Navigating reference for details.

Navigating Live Collections how-to for examples.

Interface Element Description
Collections Element

Visible only to teachers/designers this element provides:

  1. status information about the configuration of Collections for this course; and,
  2. the ability to modify that configuration.

Note: the Edit On button in the Collections element. Indicating that this is navigation mode.

Navigation Bar Shows a list of all collections and allows navigation back and forth between collections.
Include page (optional)

Each collection and have a single Include page. i.e. a Canvas page, the content of which will be inserted before or after the Current collection's representation.

Note: Only the current collection's include page is shown.

Current collection's representation

Each collection chooses from one of the available representations. Representations are designed to provide a bespoke visualisation of the Canvas modules allocated to the current collection.

Current collections' modules The normal list of Canvas modules modified to just show those modules allocated to the current collection.

Labelled Collections teacher/designer navigation interface
Labelled Collections teacher/designer navigation interface

Click on the image to enlarge it

Teachers/designers are able to turn Edit on to enter edit mode and thus configure Collections. In edit mode, the Collections interface is largely the same as the navigating interface. The two differences being

  1. The Collections element can be opened to start configuring collections.
  2. The Module config(uration) elements can be opened to start configuring modules.

See the table on the 'Live Collections - navigate mode' tab for a description of the common interface elements

For more on editing Collections

Editing reference for details.

Interface Element Description
(open) Collections element

Once open, the Collections element displays a list of all existing collections and provides functionality to add a new collection and modify/remove existing collections.

It's the primary element for configuring collections

Module Config(uration)

Each module allocated to the current collection will have its own module configuration element. When open, this element provides the ability to add and modify Collections metadata about a module.

It's the primary element for configuring modules

Labelled Collections teacher/designer edit interface
Labelled Collections teacher/designer edit interface

Click on the image to enlarge it