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What does it look like?

Rather than representing each module as a card, the AssessmentTable representation represents each module as the row in table. A table designed explicitly for summarising the assessment for a course. The properties section below provides more detail on the displayed columns.

The following animated image shows the same vanilla Canvas course, but using the AssessmentTable representation. The first module of the Why? collection has been configured with metadata for weighting and learningOutcomes and this information is displayed. None of the modules for the What? and How? collections have learningOutcomes, hence that column is not visible for these collections.

Collections enabled modules page showing the assessment table representation

Properties (columns)

The columns of the AssessmentTable representation (Title, Description, Weighting, Due Date, and Learning Outcomes) are populated from various properties of the allocated modules.

Not all columns, all the time

If none of the modules have defined the weighting and learning outcomes properties, then those columns will not appear to students.


The title column is taken directly from the name of the module.

The intent is that the module name represents the title of the assessment task students need to complete.


The description column is taken from the standard Canvas Collections description property.

The intent is that the description provides students with some additional high-level information about the assessment task.

Due Date

The Due Date column is taken from the standard Canvas Collections dates property.

The intent being to provide the student some indication of the due date for the assessment task.

Weighting and Learning Outcomes

The Weighting and Learning Outcomes columns are specific to the AssessmentTable representation. They are populated using Canvas Collections' metadata feature. The table below shows the metadata names and example values for the Weighting and Learning Outcomes columns.

The intent being to provide students with additional important information about the assessment task.

Metadata Name Example Value
learning outcomes 1, 2, 3
weighting 10%
Sample AssessmentTable show meta data values for first module

Sample AssessmentTable show meta data values