Representations control how an individual collection is displayed. The currently available representations are listed in the table and explained in more detail on the relevant pages.
Representations for a given collection can be changed at any time. New representations can be developed and added.
Current representations
Name | Description |
CollectionsOnly | The bare minimum representation. The vanilla Canvas Modules page is modified by adding: 1) the Collections navigation bar; 2) any include pages; and, 3) showing only modules belonging to the current collection. |
GriffithCards | Builds on CollectionsOnly by adding a card component for each module belonging to the current collection. The card component includes a number of additional features to transform the generic Canvas module into a design and context specific object. |
AssessmentTable | Rather than a card, each module is represented by a row in a table. The table is designed to summarises assessment for a course with columns for weighting and learning outcomes. |
HorizontalCards | A variation on GriffithCards where there is a single column of horizontal cards. One for each module. Specially designed to function in Claytons mode without any external CSS. Early release version |
Vanilla Canvas
The vanilla Canvas Modules page shows a linear list of all the modules in a course (for students all the published modules). The following animated image shows the Modules page for a sample Canvas course containing 13 modules.
This same course is used in the demonstrations for the other representations.